Shalom to you all,
The favour of our Master Yahushua Messiah be with you.
We are so glad that you found our site! Our prayer is that this site will be a blessing and benefit to all who visit us and that יהוה (YAHWEH) our Elohim would receive all the esteem and praise, as you are touched by His mercy and favour, through our ministry.
We are a growing home assembly that began in 2007, by the favour of יהוה our Elohim; and our desire, as we pursue set-apartness, is to become a true reflection of what יהוה intended His bride to be, shining the Light of His Truth, and being His bright light to the nations, as we teach, equip, train and encourage others, in Messiah!
May you be encouraged and strengthened to hear, guard and do all that our Father has commanded us to; as you live and walk daily in יהושע (Yahushua) Messiah, our Master and Elohim, and be strengthened by His favour, being led forth by the living Word, through His Set-Apart Spirit, as His Word enables, strengthens and equips you to be a trustworthy and faithful ambassador of His coming reign!